One Mission Kids offers speakers for camps, churches, classrooms, and conferences to help grow missionary hearts. We offer everything from a single thirty-minute program to a 5 day VBS event. OMK has the perfect mission program and speakers to fit both your event and time schedule. Our missionary speakers are energetic, fun-loving, and big kids at heart!

Big Kids at Heart

IN diguise

Big Kids at Heart

Big Kids at Heart
Meet Mr. Jason & Aunt Lora
OMK Missionary Speakers
Jason and Lora Campbell are One Mission Society (OMS) missionaries, leading the One Mission Kids (OMK) ministry in the U.S.
Jason has served as both a foreign and homeland missionary since 1998. Before joining OMS in 2015, Lora served as an elementary school teacher for 13 years, along with leading a ministry that reached youth in at-risk communities.
Together, they believe there has never been a more urgent time to reach the world’s youth with the life-changing truth of God’s Word than now. More than 25 percent of the world’s population is under the age of 14, and nearly 65 percent of decisions for Christ are made between the ages of 4 and 14.
The Campbells have seen firsthand how God works through kids of all ages!
Those moments have ignited a passion in Jason and Lora to develop creative ways to engage kids (ages 4-14) in missions by tapping into their natural energy and curiosity.
Kids are invited to use their imaginations in not-so secret mission adventures. The goal? To help them understand that anyone who knows Jesus can do the work of a missionary, at home or around the world.
Jason and Lora are often called “big kids” as they develop mission-focused lessons, write kid-friendly missions music, create international games and crafts, and record videos in the One Mission Kids studio. They also provide leadership training and customized mission strategy integration for churches, schools, and families.
Their vision is to equip, empower, and encourage leaders to grow missionary hearts and raise up future generations of mission-hearted leaders.
Contact us to schedule your workshop: 317.888.3333 x313 ​