Mission Projects

Mission Project Spain

Mission Project Spain

Resounding Hope Project
Many people in Haiti can’t read, so they can’t read a book or instructions on a bottle of medicine. They can’t even read the Bible—but they can listen to the radio.
Resounding Hope is a project to give special radios to Haitian families. These little radios are solar-powered; they’re charged by the sun. They are like little missionaries because they tell people about Jesus every day in their own language. The radios also give life-saving information when a disaster strikes, teach school lessons, share farming and health advice, and play worship music.
The solar radios broadcast radio programs from a Christian radio station called Radio 4VEH. Radios like these have already changed people’s lives as they hear the Gospel, follow Jesus and start new churches to share hope.
Help us share Resounding Hope with one million people.
You can sponsor a radio for $60 and pray for the family who will receive it.
Project #407870-OMK
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Mission Project Spain

Mission Project Spain

Starfish Kids Project
More than half of the people in Haiti are children under the age of 15. Many children cannot go to school because they do not have the money to go.
With the help of a program called Starfish Kids, they will be able to attend school and get a nutritious breakfast. Starfish Kids matches people who want to help, called sponsors, with kids who need help.
Although more than half of the people in Haiti are illiterate— unable to read or write—the children in the Starfish Kids’ program have the opportunity to learn reading, writing and basic math skills. Every year, each child receives books, school supplies, school tuition and a pair of shoes. Every morning, each Starfish Kid gets a peanut butter sandwich and fresh juice. This might be the only meal of the day for some children.
Would you like to help children in Haiti? Through the Starfish Kids’ program you can help children in Haiti go to school. You can also help to share the
hope of Jesus with them.
Project #405590-OMK